BlizzCon 2019

I had a great time at BlizzCon 2019!

I picked up my badge and Blink gear on Thursday night. The line to pick up badges was about 100 people deep. I got through in about 10-15 minutes. They instruct you to wear your wristband on the right wrist. I still cannot tell what was the point of having the badge around your neck, as nothing checked it. One note — Internet in that area could be spotty, I assume due to everyone trying to look up their AXS badge code. You can’t really remedy the situation by doing a screenshot of you AXS code since that code changes every minute. Some people in the front had to step out of line briefly to wait for their code to generate.

After I picked up my badge, I head over to ACC North to pick up my Blink Shopping items that I ordered ahead of time a few days ago — a Sylvanas Loungefly backpack and a Cute But Deadly pillow. I accidentally tried to enter through the press entrance and was redirected to the plaza entrance. Yay, more steps for my Apple Watch tracking! Once I finally got to ACC North, the line to check in for your orders was about 10 minutes. Once I got to the front, I scanned my barcode and was assigned a letter with numbers for my queue position. Within 5 minutes, my order was ready. Pretty streamlined and painless! I hopped on to the line to pick up my grunt. I’m glad I did that on Thursday so I didn’t have to lug the large box around on Friday or Saturday.

Spent a lot of Saturday at Darkmoon Faire, mostly due to the panels. I went for a Timewalker Chest, which had a golden Sylvanas Funko Pop. I decided to hit that first, before the opening ceremony, as I heard a horror story about a person buying like 200 boxes one year, depriving others of getting boxes. There is a 5 box limit this year thankfully. When I checked in on the booth in Friday afternoon, there were still a lot of boxes left. By some point on Saturday, the boxes were gone. We ended up toting our boxes around since we couldn’t find time to run back to car to drop them off. It was a great workout!

I enjoyed the panel Voices of Azeroth! It was so fun watching Andrew Morgado and Chris Metzen behind-the-scenes. I wish we could hear more from Patty Mattson and that she could be asked much more meatier questions. At the end, the voice actors (with someones whose name I’ve forgotten who subbed in for Thrall who was TERRIFIC) re-enacted Lost Honor and Reckoning. It was so entertaining! This was definitely the highlight of my con.

We scored a free 25th Anniversary Mug in the Arcade food vendor. There were two separate lines — one for hamburgers and the like, and a much shorter line for hot dogs and churros. Pro-tip: the churros came in Horde (red) and Alliance (blue) colors. Pick wisely. You will be judged by the people around you. (I kid! You do you 🙂 )

World of Warcraft Arena Championship were fun to watch. Blizo of Wildcard Gaming is an insane warrior and gave me some inspiration to check out my own warrior! What. A Beast. We were at the edge of our seats watching the arenas.

We took some time to check out World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. I have some reservations as far as writing goes. Nevertheless, I look forward to this expansion. The Deep Dive into the expansion looked promising to me. I’m unsure which covenant my paladin should join. Seems weird to have a paladin in a vampire covenant, no? We will see! I also feel urged to level my shaman as a nostalgia string was struck when I saw the totems coming back.

Also, holy HELL — have you seen the Diablo 4 trailer? I only played Diablo 3 very little, so I’m no avid fan by any means. But wow! That cinematic was something else! I especially loved the scoring at the end of the cinematic, as well as the last image. Even if it’s super grotesque! I can’t stop rewatching it! Great work!