Novel Writing: 25,000 words and writing musings

As I limp over the 22,000 word mark for my WIP Dragon’s Word (title pending), I think more of the reality is setting in and I am once again put in awe — no, humbled — by all authors who finished a book. This shit is really hard! As my novel comes to shape, I realize that I might need to add more meat. Some of the story arc and character arc are debatable, too. I can’t wait to get it to my beta readers.

My updated timeline is basically scratch everything and let’s just see where we are when we get there. That’s it. That’s all I got!

NaNoWriMo Camp July 2020 is upon us now. My goal is to add 15,000 more words. I’ll admit that right now I’m focusing on word count. Once I hit my ultimate goal of >50,000 words, I’ll go back and start reducing and making more meaningful sentences and paragraphs.