Novel Writing: 20,000 words!

The story is largely outlined. Time to fill in the details, nuances, and subtleties.

I’ll admit I’ve lost some of my initial steam. I am looking for inspiration to keep it up! Right now, I’m reviewing each paragraph that I’ve written so far, most which are in a skeleton form, and analyzing how to make every single part better. It’s hard to think of clever ways of saying something other than “she entered the room” for example. But when the right words and pattern do come together, it’s quite beautiful.

I’ve pushed my original deadlines in my previous post by at least two months. I also set a goal to have a novellette size (40,000) words by end of June, but I’ve fallen by the wayside. For Camp NaNoWriMo July 2020, I set a goal for 10,000 words. This was mostly so I could complete 50,000 words by end of July. I don’t think it’ll happen but let’s see how far I can go.

NaNoWriMo Goals

I also celebrated another milestone about a week ago of writing for 21 days straight! I’ve since broken the streak due to lack of motivation. But I’ll get back on it soon enough!

NaNoWriMo Pop-up for 21 straight days